Firmware version 3.01 u-blox M8 Standard Precision-GNSS GALILEO
UPDATE Only for ubox 8 receiver
Please note, the update will be accomblished by own responsebility.
The Firmware 3.01 supports Galileo and GAGAN (SBAS Indien) and improve the receiving of Beidou satellites as well. It can reduce the power consumption up to 10%.
You require the uCenter:
The manual for the uCenter:
The image of the firmware 3.01:
Firmware 3.01
1. Connect the GNSS receiver with the menu "receiver - port and Receiver - baud rate.
2. Open the menu "Tools - Firmware Update" and choose the configuration as below.
(Note the path to the flash.xml file)
3. In addition you switch on the Galileo option and the NMEA version 4.1. For that you open the menu "View -ConfigurationView".
4. Choose NMEA (NMEA protocol) on the left hand and the parameters on the right hand. Save the settings with SEND below in the status bar.
5. Choose "GNSS (GNSS Config)" on the left hand and the required parmeters on the right hand. Save the settings with SEND below in the status bar.
6. Finally you save the new settings permanently. Open the menu "CFG (Configuration)" on the left hand. Choose "Save current configuration" on the right hand and click again on SEND (below).